3m 관련 취업정보
정렬방식: 연관성 - 등록일
채용공고 13개
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- 3M경기도 화성Description... 3M Electrical Market... 3M’s creative solutions... world’s problems... 3M.com... Twitter @3M...·
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Job Post Details
Sales Representative for Electronics Materials Solutions Division - job post
3.8별점 3.8/5점
기업 웹 사이트를 계속 사용하기 전에 인디드 계정을 만드세요.
채용 상세 정보
채용공고 세부 정보와 귀하의 프로필이 부합하는 점은 다음과 같습니다.채용공고 유형
- 정규직
상세 직무 내용
3M has a long-standing reputation as a company committed to innovation. We provide the freedom to explore and encourage curiosity and creativity. We gain new insight from diverse thinking, and take risks on new ideas. Here, you can apply your talent in bold ways that matter.
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Job Description:
Sales for products of Electronics Materials Solutions Division
Consumer electronic market development especially mobile handheld and display application.
Manage key OEM business and build a strong relationship with customers in the value chains.
Identify new opportunities and understand customer requirements and VOC thru regular customer interactions.
Achieve sales targets and contribute to sustainable growth and success of the company.
key Products: Electronics Bonding Solution, Conductive Tapes
Target market: Consumer electronic market especially mobile handheld and display application.
Selling process: Creating and winning specification at key accounts and sell thru 3M channel partners or distributors.
Bachelor’s degree in university (Engineering background preferred).
4+ years of sales or technical experiences in electronics/ display industry.
Ability to perform, learn new skills and be flexible in changing environments.
Able to influence and work collaboratively with technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Self-motivated, customer focused, good communication and negotiation skills.
Proficiency in MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
English communication skills (E-mail / Presentation)
Understanding of EMI/EMC and PIM
Interest in Electronics and New Products: Keen interest in electronic devices
Global communication skills with customers and internal stakeholders
Type: 정규직 (수습기간 3개월)
Location: 한국3M 서울 본사 (서울시 영등포구 의사당대로 82)
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제출해주신 이메일/핸드폰번호로 연락드리니 정확한 기재 부탁드립니다.
Please note: your application may not be considered if you do not provide your education and work history, either by: 1) uploading a resume, or 2) entering the information into the application fields directly.
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