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충청남도 천안 지역 project engineer 관련 취업정보

정렬방식: -
채용공고 300+건

Job Post Details

외국계 환경 전문기업 - EBL Project Engineer [에너지 프로젝트 엔지니어 ] - job post

서울 중구
기업 웹 사이트를 계속 사용하기 전에 인디드 계정을 만드세요.

채용 상세 정보

채용공고 세부 정보와 귀하의 프로필이 부합하는 점은 다음과 같습니다.

채용공고 유형

  • 정규직


서울 중구

상세 직무 내용

[] 포지션 : EBL Project Engineer[] 근무지 : 서울 본사 (을지로) * Position DescriptionHis/her main role will be to support the EBL operation in the following activity :- Coordinate the takeover / Handover of new projects- Support for quick deployment of SOPs, including Troubleshooting- Support for quick deployment VAMS- Coordinate for upselling activities (e.g. contract renewal / extended scope of services and supporting Key Account Management etc.* 자격사항Major : Engineering (related to Energy / Environment)Career : 5 years+ working experineces in relevant industrySkills : Good understanding on- O&M business of energy, environmental plant and facility- Use of tools & method for analytics of performance to set up standard & deploy best practices for on-site operations- Project management (resource planning, control of cost & timeline)- Effective communication with various department (technical, finance etc.) for efficient teamwork_ Speak in English
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