경기도 이천 지역 취업정보
Korean Language Data and Quality Reviewer
여러 지원자 채용 중Volga Partners대한민국*WHO WE... Volga Partners, a U.S.-based company, specializes in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, catering...Employer활성 3일 전- 도담도담버섯농장경기도 이천[직무내용] 작물재배재배작물포장 [근무시간 및 형태] 주 6일 근무 (근무시간) (오전) 7시 00분 ~ (오후) 6시 00분 [급여조건] - 시급 10030원 이상 [장애인채용희망여부] 비희망 [병역특례] - 비희망 생산...·
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- 급여 조회: PCB부품생산직 (주간고정,교대근무)|textlinkEl]
Job Post Details
Korean Language Data and Quality Reviewer
채용 상세 정보
채용공고 세부 정보와 귀하의 프로필이 부합하는 점은 다음과 같습니다.급여
- 시급 14,365~17,238원
채용공고 유형
- 아르바이트
- 계약직
상세 직무 내용
Volga Partners, a U.S.-based company, specializes in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, catering to top technology giants and multinational corporations. Beyond that, we offer a spectrum of services including IT, business process outsourcing, advanced professional services, and crowd sourcing in both established and emerging markets.
We are seeking a freelance, task-based Korean Language Data and Quality Reviewer to join our team and play a pivotal role in researching information for various entities, tools, and datasets provided during on-the-job training. Entry Level position.
- Interpret Data: Analyze datasets and translate raw data into actionable insights that can contribute to business improvement strategies.
- Data Manipulation: Handle batches of data, apply labeling techniques, and manipulate data according to project requirements while ensuring a high level of accuracy.
- Language Translations
Key Responsibilities:
- Interpret Data: Analyze vast datasets generated by AI systems and large language models to extract meaningful insights and actionable recommendations aimed at improving business processes and outcomes.
- Quality Assurance: Take ownership of the quality of training data, actively identifying and addressing any issues or anomalies to ensure the integrity and reliability of the data used for AI model training.
- Language Translations
Required Skills:
- Strong comprehension skills.
- Strong attention to detail and a proactive approach to identifying and addressing data quality issues.
- Translation or linguistic skills preferred.
Required Qualifications:
- Proficiency (reading, writing, and/or speaking) in both English and Korean.
- Strong computer skills, particularly in typing and writing.
- Meticulous attention to detail.
- Proactive attitude with a commitment to fostering positive experiences for others.
If you are certified as a Linguist, it is considered a plus!
Please read the additional requirements thoroughly before applying:
- Must have own device (laptop/device).
- Currently hiring for a part-time position (between 1-20 hours a week or more depending on tasks!)
- The candidate is preferred to be available to anticipate tasks in IST time zone.
- Having access to good Wi-Fi connection during working hour.
- This role is a 1099 independent contractor position. Please note that this classification may vary based on your location and local regulations. We encourage applicants outside of the US to familiarize themselves with their country's tax laws and regulations regarding independent contracting. For most candidates outside of the US, a W-8 BEN form is provided.
Task-Based Project Scope:
This is a freelance, task-based role designed for individuals seeking supplemental income. It’s important to understand the nature of freelance work—tasks will be assigned as they become available, and work may be irregular or intermittent. Notifications will be sent via WhatsApp, email, or Slack (after onboarding through the client’s portal). This role ideal for those comfortable with flexible, on-demand work.
Job Types: Part-time, Contract
Pay: 14,365원 - 17,238원 per hour
Expected hours: 15 – 40 per week
Application Question(s):
- Must have own device (laptop/device) and stable Wi-Fi connection during working hours.
- Are you proficient in (reading, writing, and/or speaking) in both English and Korean? This position requires a passing assessment that will be provided by Volga Partners.