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서울 지역 algorithm engineer 관련 취업정보

정렬방식: -
채용공고 13개

Job Post Details

 Algorithm Engineer - job post

서울 성수동1가

채용 상세 정보

채용공고 세부 정보와 귀하의 프로필이 부합하는 점은 다음과 같습니다.

채용공고 유형

  • 정규직


서울 성수동1가

상세 직무 내용


  • Evaluate existing and emerging deep learning technologies
  • Develop proof-of-concept prototypes
  • Develop deep learning algorithms for image analysis and time series numerical data

Desired skills/experience

  • Background in both computer Science, math, and software development
  • Linear algebra, statistics, calculus
  • Brief understanding of basic deep learning technologies (regression, classification, CNN)
  • Good to have neural network fundamentals (batch-norm, residual connections, inception modules, etc.)
  • Familiarity with agile development lifecycle

Job Type: Full-time

Job Location: 서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 58 (성수동1가, FORHU) 204호

Recruit manager: jobs@neuronaware.com

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