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경기도 평택 지역 customer engineer 관련 취업정보

정렬방식: -
채용공고 24개

Job Post Details

Display Customer Engineer

천안 서북구
기업 웹 사이트를 계속 사용하기 전에 인디드 계정을 만드세요.

채용 상세 정보

채용공고 세부 정보와 귀하의 프로필이 부합하는 점은 다음과 같습니다.

채용공고 유형

  • 정규직


천안 서북구

상세 직무 내용

Key ResponsibilitiesIs proficient on primary toolset and demonstrates ability to acquire additional systems and applications. Performs startup activities through Tier II with limited support. Able to complete qualifications with minimal assistance.Completes quality repairs. Actively responds to fab issues by communicating with engineers in other locations and participating in escalation conference calls. May initiate or participate in projects to drive down costs or increase uptime. Ability to carry out action plans and report findings. Verifies operational quality of system equipment.Follows all checklists and procedures and ensures correct Revs of procedures and schematics are available prior to performing work. May identify procedural issues.Can perform most retrofits on equipment. Assists in process issues.Applies diagnostic techniques and the use of documentation and test equipment with assistance from senior engineers.Assumes responsibility for full customer satisfaction assuring excellent relations within assigned area. Demonstrates strong interest and knowledge of the
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